1 | 10 minute guide to lotus notes mail 4.5 | http://www.parsian.net/set1252/pages/books.htm |
2 | 10 minute guide to Microsoft exchange 5.0 | http://www.parsian.net/set1252/pages/books.htm |
3 | 10 minute guide to outlook 97 | http://www.parsian.net/set1252/pages/books.htm |
4 | 10 minute guide to schedule+ for windows 95 | http://www.parsian.net/set1252/pages/books.htm |
5 | ActiveX programming unleashed | http://www.parsian.net/set1252/pages/books.htm |
6 | ActiveX programming unleashed | http://www.emu.edu.tr/english/facilitiesservices/computercenter/bookslib/ |
7 | Advanced perl programming | http://www.hk8.org/old_web/ |
8 | Advanced PL/SQL programming with packages | http://www.hk8.org/old_web/ |
9 | Adventure in Prolog/AMZI | www.oopweb.com |
10 | Algorithms CMSC251/Mount, David | www.oopweb.com |
11 | Alison Balter's Mastering Access 95 development, premier ed. | http://www.emu.edu.tr/english/facilitiesservices/computercenter/bookslib/ |
12 | Apache : The definitive guide, 3rd.ed. | http://www.hk8.org/old_web/ |
13 | Beej's guide to network programming/Hall, Brain | www.oopweb.com |
14 | Beyond Linux from Scratch/BLFS Development Team | http://book.onairwebnet/computer/os/linux/Administration/Beyond_Linux_From_Scratch/ |
15 | Borland C++ builder unleashed | http://www.parsian.net/set1252/pages/books.htm |
16 | Building an intranet with windows NT 4 | http://www.parsian.net/set1252/pages/books.htm |
17 | Building an Intranet with Windows NT 4 | http://www.emu.edu.tr/english/facilitiesservices/computercenter/bookslib/ |
18 | Building expert systems in prolog/AMZI | www.oopweb.com |
19 | C programming language | http://book.onairwebnet/computer/pl/C/The_C_Programming_Language_by_K&R/ |
20 | C Programming/Holmes, Steven | www.oopweb.com |
21 | C++ Annotations | www.oopweb.com |
22 | CGI developer's guide | http://www.emu.edu.tr/english/facilitiesservices/computercenter/bookslib/ |
23 | CGI manual of style | http://www.parsian.net/set1252/pages/books.htm |
24 | CGI manual of style online | http://www.emu.edu.tr/english/facilitiesservices/computercenter/bookslib/ |
25 | CGI programming | http://www.hk8.org/old_web/ |
26 | CGI programming unleashed | http://www.parsian.net/set1252/pages/books.htm |
27 | CGI programming with Perl, 2nd.ed. | http://www.hk8.org/old_web/ |
28 | Charlie Calvert's Borland C++ builder unleashed | http://www.emu.edu.tr/english/facilitiesservices/computercenter/bookslib/ |
29 | Client/server computing, 2nd.ed. | http://www.parsian.net/set1252/pages/books.htm |
30 | Client-server computing, 2nd.ed. | http://www.emu.edu.tr/english/facilitiesservices/computercenter/bookslib/ |
31 | Common LISP, the language/Steele, Guy | www.oopweb.com |
32 | Compilers and compiler generators : an introduction with C++/Terry, P.D. | www.oopweb.com |
33 | Complete idiot's guide to creating HTML webpage | http://www.parsian.net/set1252/pages/books.htm |
34 | Computer graphics CMSC 427/Mount, David | www.oopweb.com |
35 | Configuring and troubleshooting the windows NT/95 registry | http://www.parsian.net/set1252/pages/books.htm |
36 | Creating commercial websites | http://www.emu.edu.tr/english/facilitiesservices/computercenter/bookslib/ |
37 | Creating web applets with Java | http://www.emu.edu.tr/english/facilitiesservices/computercenter/bookslib/ |
38 | Crystal Reports.NET | http://www.crystalreportsbook.com/Chapters.asp |
39 | Curious about the internet | http://www.emu.edu.tr/english/facilitiesservices/computercenter/bookslib/ |
40 | Curious about the internet? | http://www.parsian.net/set1252/pages/books.htm |
41 | Dan appleman's developing activeX components with Visual Basic 5 | http://www.emu.edu.tr/english/facilitiesservices/computercenter/bookslib/ |
42 | Dan appleman's developing activex components with Visual Basic 5.0 | http://www.parsian.net/set1252/pages/books.htm |
43 | Data structures CMSC420/Mount, David | www.oopweb.com |
44 | Database developer's guide with visual basic 4, 2nd.ed. | http://www.parsian.net/set1252/pages/books.htm |
45 | Database developer's guide with Visual Basic 4, 2nd.ed. | http://www.emu.edu.tr/english/facilitiesservices/computercenter/bookslib/ |
46 | Database developer's guide with Visual C++ 4, 2nd.ed. | http://www.parsian.net/set1252/pages/books.htm |
47 | Database developer's guide with Visual C++ 4, 2nd.ed. | http://www.emu.edu.tr/english/facilitiesservices/computercenter/bookslib/ |
48 | Design and analysis of computer algorithms CMSC451/Mount, David | www.oopweb.com |
49 | Designing implementing Microsoft internet information server | http://www.emu.edu.tr/english/facilitiesservices/computercenter/bookslib/ |
50 | Designing implementing Microsoft proxy server | http://www.emu.edu.tr/english/facilitiesservices/computercenter/bookslib/ |
51 | Developing for netscape one | http://www.parsian.net/set1252/pages/books.htm |
52 | Developing intranet applications with java | http://www.parsian.net/set1252/pages/books.htm |
53 | Developing personal oracle 7 for windows 95 applications | http://www.parsian.net/set1252/pages/books.htm |
54 | Developing personal Oracle 7 for windows 95 applications | http://www.emu.edu.tr/english/facilitiesservices/computercenter/bookslib/ |
55 | Developing professional java applets | http://www.parsian.net/set1252/pages/books.htm |
56 | Developing professional java applets | http://www.emu.edu.tr/english/facilitiesservices/computercenter/bookslib/ |
57 | DNS and BIND | http://www.hk8.org/old_web/ |
58 | Doing objects with VB.NET and C# | http://vbwire.com/nl?6814 |
59 | EAI/BPM Evaluation Series: IBM WebSphere MQ Workflow v3.3.2 & EAI Suite by &~~SPECIAL_REMOVE!#~~gt; Middleware Technology Evaluation Series, Phong Tran & Jeffrey Gosper | http://www.cmis.csiro.au/mte/reports/BPM_IBMwebsphereMQ332.htm |
60 | Effective AWK programming | http://book.onairwebnet/computer/os/shell/Effective_AWK_Programming/ |
61 | Enterprise javabeans, 2nd.ed. | http://www.hk8.org/old_web/ |
62 | Exploring java | http://www.hk8.org/old_web/ |
63 | GNOME/Sheets, John | www.oopweb.com |
64 | Graph theory/Prof. Even | www.oopweb.com |
65 | Hacking java | http://www.parsian.net/set1252/pages/books.htm |
66 | How intranets work | http://www.parsian.net/set1252/pages/books.htm |
67 | How intranets work | http://www.emu.edu.tr/english/facilitiesservices/computercenter/bookslib/ |
68 | How to program visual basic 5.0 | http://www.parsian.net/set1252/pages/books.htm |
69 | How to use HTML 3.2 | http://www.parsian.net/set1252/pages/books.htm |
70 | Html : The definitive guide | http://www.hk8.org/old_web/ |
71 | HTML 3.2 & CGI unleashed | http://www.parsian.net/set1252/pages/books.htm |
72 | HTML 3.2 and CGI professional reference edition unleashed | http://www.emu.edu.tr/english/facilitiesservices/computercenter/bookslib/ |
73 | HTML by example | http://www.emu.edu.tr/english/facilitiesservices/computercenter/bookslib/ |
74 | Internet firewall | http://www.hk8.org/old_web/ |
75 | Intranets unleashed | http://www.parsian.net/set1252/pages/books.htm |
76 | Introduction to object-oriented programming using C++/Muller, Peter | www.oopweb.com |
77 | Introduction to programming using Java/Eck, David | www.oopweb.com |
78 | Introduction to socket programming | http://book.onairwebnet/computer/network/An_Introduction_to_Socket_Programming/ |
79 | Java 1.1 unleashed | http://www.emu.edu.tr/english/facilitiesservices/computercenter/bookslib/ |
80 | Java 1.1 unleashed, 2nd.ed. | http://www.parsian.net/set1252/pages/books.htm |
81 | Java 1.1 unleashed, 3rd.ed. | http://www.parsian.net/set1252/pages/books.htm |
82 | Java 114 documentation | http://www.emu.edu.tr/english/facilitiesservices/computercenter/bookslib/ |
83 | Java AWT reference | http://www.hk8.org/old_web/ |
84 | Java by example | http://www.emu.edu.tr/english/facilitiesservices/computercenter/bookslib/ |
85 | Java developer's guide | http://www.parsian.net/set1252/pages/books.htm |
86 | Java developer's guide | http://www.emu.edu.tr/english/facilitiesservices/computercenter/bookslib/ |
87 | Java developer's reference | http://www.parsian.net/set1252/pages/books.htm |
88 | Java developer's reference | http://www.emu.edu.tr/english/facilitiesservices/computercenter/bookslib/ |
89 | Java Distributed computing | http://www.hk8.org/old_web/ |
90 | Java enterprise | http://www.hk8.org/old_web/ |
91 | Java enterprise in a nutshell | http://www.hk8.org/old_web/ |
92 | Java foundation classes in a nutshell | http://www.hk8.org/old_web/ |
93 | Java fundamental classes reference | http://www.hk8.org/old_web/ |
94 | Java in a nutshell | http://www.hk8.org/old_web/ |
95 | Java in a nutshell, 3rd.ed. | http://www.hk8.org/old_web/ |
96 | Java language reference | http://www.hk8.org/old_web/ |
97 | Java security | http://www.hk8.org/old_web/ |
98 | Java servlet programming | http://www.hk8.org/old_web/ |
99 | Java unleashed | http://www.parsian.net/set1252/pages/books.htm |
100 | Java unleashed | http://www.emu.edu.tr/english/facilitiesservices/computercenter/bookslib/ |
101 | Java, 2nd.ed. | http://www.emu.edu.tr/english/facilitiesservices/computercenter/bookslib/ |
102 | __JavaScript : the definitive guide | http://www.hk8.org/old_web/ |
103 | __Javascript manual of style | http://www.parsian.net/set1252/pages/books.htm |
104 | __Javascript manual of style | http://www.emu.edu.tr/english/facilitiesservices/computercenter/bookslib/ |
105 | Josh's GNU Linux Guide/Joshua | http://book.onairwebnet/computer/os/linux/Administration/Josh's_GNU_Linux_Guide/ |
106 | Late night activex | http://www.parsian.net/set1252/pages/books.htm |
107 | Late night activeX | http://www.emu.edu.tr/english/facilitiesservices/computercenter/bookslib/ |
108 | Laura lemay's 3D graphics in and VRML 2 | http://www.parsian.net/set1252/pages/books.htm |
109 | Laura lemay's activex and __VBScript | http://www.parsian.net/set1252/pages/books.htm |
110 | Laura lemay's graphics and web page design | http://www.parsian.net/set1252/pages/books.htm |
111 | Laura lemay's guide to sizzling websites design | http://www.parsian.net/set1252/pages/books.htm |
112 | Laura lemay's __javascript 1.1 | http://www.parsian.net/set1252/pages/books.htm |
113 | Laura lemay's web workshop activex and __VBScript | http://www.emu.edu.tr/english/facilitiesservices/computercenter/bookslib/ |
114 | Laura lemay's web workshop Graphics web page design | http://www.emu.edu.tr/english/facilitiesservices/computercenter/bookslib/ |
115 | Laura lemay's web workshop __javascript | http://www.emu.edu.tr/english/facilitiesservices/computercenter/bookslib/ |
116 | Learning perl | http://www.hk8.org/old_web/ |
117 | Learning perl on win32 | http://www.hk8.org/old_web/ |
118 | Learning the kornshell | http://www.hk8.org/old_web/ |
119 | Learning unix | http://www.hk8.org/old_web/ |
120 | Learning vi | http://www.hk8.org/old_web/ |
121 | Linux from Scratch/Beekmans, Gerard | http://book.onairwebnet/computer/os/linux/Administration/Linux_From_Scratch/ |
122 | Linux in a nutshell, 3rd.ed. | http://www.hk8.org/old_web/ |
123 | Linux kernel/Rusling, David | www.oopweb.com |
124 | Linux network administrator's guide/Dawson, Terry | www.oopweb.com |
125 | Linux system administrator's survival guide | http://www.emu.edu.tr/english/facilitiesservices/computercenter/bookslib/ |
126 | MAPI, SAPI and TAPI developer's guide | http://www.parsian.net/set1252/pages/books.htm |
127 | Mastering access 95 development | http://www.parsian.net/set1252/pages/books.htm |
128 | Microsoft access 97 quick reference | http://www.parsian.net/set1252/pages/books.htm |
129 | Microsoft access 97 quick reference | http://www.emu.edu.tr/english/facilitiesservices/computercenter/bookslib/ |
130 | Microsoft backoffice 2 unleashed | http://www.parsian.net/set1252/pages/books.htm |
131 | Microsoft excel 97 quick reference | http://www.parsian.net/set1252/pages/books.htm |
132 | Microsoft excel 97 quick reference | http://www.emu.edu.tr/english/facilitiesservices/computercenter/bookslib/ |
133 | Microsoft exchange server survival guide | http://www.emu.edu.tr/english/facilitiesservices/computercenter/bookslib/ |
134 | Microsoft frontpage unleashed | http://www.emu.edu.tr/english/facilitiesservices/computercenter/bookslib/ |
135 | Microsoft word 97 quick reference | http://www.parsian.net/set1252/pages/books.htm |
136 | Microsoft word 97 quick reference | http://www.emu.edu.tr/english/facilitiesservices/computercenter/bookslib/ |
137 | Microsoft works 4.5 6-In-1 | http://www.emu.edu.tr/english/facilitiesservices/computercenter/bookslib/ |
138 | More than 100 full-text e-books | http://www.allfreetech.com/EBookCategory.asp |
139 | Ms backoffice administrator's survival guide | http://www.emu.edu.tr/english/facilitiesservices/computercenter/bookslib/ |
140 | Ms backoffice unleashed | http://www.emu.edu.tr/english/facilitiesservices/computercenter/bookslib/ |
141 | Mysql and msql | http://www.hk8.org/old_web/ |
142 | Netscape plug-ins developer's kit | http://www.parsian.net/set1252/pages/books.htm |
143 | Official gamelan java directory | http://www.parsian.net/set1252/pages/books.htm |
144 | Oracle built-in packages | http://www.hk8.org/old_web/ |
145 | Oracle PL/SQL built-in pocket reference | http://www.hk8.org/old_web/ |
146 | Oracle PL/SQL language pocket reference | http://www.hk8.org/old_web/ |
147 | Oracle PL/SQL programming guide to Oracle 8 features | http://www.hk8.org/old_web/ |
148 | Oracle PL/SQL programming, 2nd.ed. | http://www.hk8.org/old_web/ |
149 | Oracle unleashed | http://www.parsian.net/set1252/pages/books.htm |
150 | Oracle unleashed | http://www.emu.edu.tr/english/facilitiesservices/computercenter/bookslib/ |
151 | Oracle web applications PL/SQL developer's introduction | http://www.hk8.org/old_web/ |
152 | Patterns of enterprise application architecture/Fowler, Martin | http://www.awprofessional.com/catalog/product.asp?product_id={574D77DF-6ED2-BC5-A6A8-02E59CA7482D} |
153 | PC week : the intranet advantage | http://www.parsian.net/set1252/pages/books.htm |
154 | Perl 5 by example | http://www.emu.edu.tr/english/facilitiesservices/computercenter/bookslib/ |
155 | Perl 5 quick reference | http://www.parsian.net/set1252/pages/books.htm |
156 | Perl 5 unleashed | http://www.parsian.net/set1252/pages/books.htm |
157 | Perl 5.0 CGI web pages | http://www.parsian.net/set1252/pages/books.htm |
158 | Perl cookbook | http://www.hk8.org/old_web/ |
159 | Perl for system administration | http://www.hk8.org/old_web/ |
160 | Perl in a nutshell | http://www.hk8.org/old_web/ |
161 | Perl quick reference | http://www.emu.edu.tr/english/facilitiesservices/computercenter/bookslib/ |
162 | Peter norton's complete guide to windows NT 4 workstations | http://www.emu.edu.tr/english/facilitiesservices/computercenter/bookslib/ |
163 | Presenting activex | http://www.parsian.net/set1252/pages/books.htm |
164 | Presenting activex | http://www.emu.edu.tr/english/facilitiesservices/computercenter/bookslib/ |
165 | Presenting javabeans | http://www.parsian.net/set1252/pages/books.htm |
166 | Presenting javabeans | http://www.emu.edu.tr/english/facilitiesservices/computercenter/bookslib/ |
167 | Programming perl | http://www.hk8.org/old_web/ |
168 | Programming perl, 3rd.ed. | http://www.hk8.org/old_web/ |
169 | Programming the Perl DBI | http://www.hk8.org/old_web/ |
170 | Red hat linux unleashed | http://www.parsian.net/set1252/pages/books.htm |
171 | Running a perfect intranet | http://www.parsian.net/set1252/pages/books.htm |
172 | Running Linux, 3rd.ed. | http://www.hk8.org/old_web/ |
173 | Sams teach yourself java 1.1 in 24 hours/ | http://book.onairwebnet/computer/sams/Sams_Teach_Yourself_Java_1.1_Programming_in_24_Hours |
174 | Sams Teach yourself java in 21 days/Lemay, Laura | http://book.onairwebnet/computer/sams/Sams_Teach_Yourself_Java_in_21_Days/ |
175 | Sams teach yourself linux in 24 hours/Ball, Bill | http://book.onairwebnet/computer/sams/Sams_Teach_Yourself_Linux_in_24%20Hours/ |
176 | Sams teach yourself shell programming in 24 hours | http://book.onairwebnet/computer/sams/Sams_Teach_Yourself_Shell_Programming_in_24_Hours/ |
177 | Sams teach yourself TCP/IP in 14 days | http://book.onairwebnet/computer/sams/Sams_Teach_Yourself_TCP-IP_in_14_Days(SE)/ |
178 | Sed and awk | http://www.hk8.org/old_web/ |
179 | Sendmail | http://www.hk8.org/old_web/ |
180 | Sendmail desktop reference | http://www.hk8.org/old_web/ |
181 | Slackware linux unleashed | http://www.emu.edu.tr/english/facilitiesservices/computercenter/bookslib/ |
182 | Special edition using java, 2nd.ed. | http://www.emu.edu.tr/english/facilitiesservices/computercenter/bookslib/ |
183 | Special edition using __javascript | http://www.parsian.net/set1252/pages/books.htm |
184 | Special edition using __javascript | http://www.emu.edu.tr/english/facilitiesservices/computercenter/bookslib/ |
185 | Special edition using __Jscript | http://www.parsian.net/set1252/pages/books.htm |
186 | Special edition using lotus notes and domino 4.5 | http://www.emu.edu.tr/english/facilitiesservices/computercenter/bookslib/ |
187 | Special edition using Microsoft SQL server 6.5, 2nd.ed. | http://www.emu.edu.tr/english/facilitiesservices/computercenter/bookslib/ |
188 | Special edition using Microsoft visual Interdev | http://www.emu.edu.tr/english/facilitiesservices/computercenter/bookslib/ |
189 | Special edition using perl 5 for web programming | http://www.parsian.net/set1252/pages/books.htm |
190 | Special edition using perl for web programming | http://www.emu.edu.tr/english/facilitiesservices/computercenter/bookslib/ |
191 | Special edition using Visual Basic 4 | http://www.parsian.net/set1252/pages/books.htm |
192 | TCP/IP | http://www.hk8.org/old_web/ |
193 | Teach yourself activex programming in 21 days | http://www.parsian.net/set1252/pages/books.htm |
194 | Teach yourself C++ in 21 days | http://www.parsian.net/set1252/pages/books.htm |
195 | Teach yourself C++ in 21 days | http://www.emu.edu.tr/english/facilitiesservices/computercenter/bookslib/ |
196 | Teach yourself CGI programming with Perl 5 in a week | http://www.parsian.net/set1252/pages/books.htm |
197 | Teach yourself database programming with VB5 in 21 days, 2nd.ed. | http://www.emu.edu.tr/english/facilitiesservices/computercenter/bookslib/ |
198 | Teach yourself database programming with visual basic 5 in 21 days | http://www.parsian.net/set1252/pages/books.htm |
199 | Teach yourself HTML 3.2 in 24 hours | http://www.parsian.net/set1252/pages/books.htm |
200 | Teach yourself HTML 3.2 in 24 hours | http://www.emu.edu.tr/english/facilitiesservices/computercenter/bookslib/ |
201 | Teach yourself internet game programming with java in 21 days | http://www.parsian.net/set1252/pages/books.htm |
202 | Teach yourself java 1.1 programming in 24 hours | http://www.parsian.net/set1252/pages/books.htm |
203 | Teach yourself jave in café in 21 days | http://www.parsian.net/set1252/pages/books.tm |
204 | Teach yourself Microsoft visual Interdev in 21 days | http://www.parsian.net/set1252/pages/books.htm |
205 | Teach yourself Microsoft visual Interdev in 21 days | http://www.emu.edu.tr/english/facilitiesservices/computercenter/bookslib/ |
206 | Teach yourself oracle 8 in 21 days | http://www.emu.edu.tr/english/facilitiesservices/computercenter/bookslib/ |
207 | Teach yourself perl 5 in 21 days | http://www.parsian.net/set1252/pages/books.htm |
208 | Teach yourself perl 5 in 21 days, 2nd.ed. | http://www.emu.edu.tr/english/facilitiesservices/computercenter/bookslib/ |
209 | Teach yourself SQL in 21 days | http://www.parsian.net/set1252/pages/books.htm |
210 | Teach yourself SQL in 21 days, 2nd.ed. | http://www.emu.edu.tr/english/facilitiesservices/computercenter/bookslib/ |
211 | Teach yourself TCP/IP in 14 days | http://www.parsian.net/set1252/pages/books.htm |
212 | Teach yourself TCP/IP in 14 days, 2nd.ed. | http://www.emu.edu.tr/english/facilitiesservices/computercenter/bookslib/ |
213 | Teach yourself the Internet in 24 hours | http://www.parsian.net/set1252/pages/books.htm |
214 | Teach yourself the internet in 24 hours | http://www.emu.edu.tr/english/facilitiesservices/computercenter/bookslib/ |
215 | Teach yourself __VBScript in 21 days | http://www.parsian.net/set1252/pages/books.htm |
216 | Teach yourself __VBScript in 21 days | http://www.emu.edu.tr/english/facilitiesservices/computercenter/bookslib/ |
217 | Teach yourself visual basic 5 in 24 hours | http://www.parsian.net/set1252/pages/books.htm |
218 | Teach yourself Visual Basic 5 in 24 hours | http://www.emu.edu.tr/english/facilitiesservices/computercenter/bookslib/ |
219 | Teach yourself Visual J++ in 21 days | http://www.emu.edu.tr/english/facilitiesservices/computercenter/bookslib/ |
220 | Teach yourself web publishing with HTML 3.2 in 14 days | http://www.parsian.net/set1252/pages/books.htm |
221 | Teach yourself web publishing with HTML in 14 days | http://www.emu.edu.tr/english/facilitiesservices/computercenter/bookslib/ |
222 | Thinking in C++ | http://www.mindview.net/Books |
223 | Thinking in C++/Eckel, Bruce - Vol.I, 2nd.ed. | www.oopweb.com |
224 | Thinking in C++/Eckel, Bruce - Vol.II, 2nd.ed. | www.oopweb.com |
225 | Thinking in Enterprise Java | http://www.mindview.net/Books |
226 | Thinking in Java, 2nd.ed. | www.oopweb.com |
227 | Thinking in Java, 3rd.ed. (pdf) | http://www.mindview.net/Books |
228 | Tricks of the internet gurus | http://www.parsian.net/set1252/pages/books.htm |
229 | Tricks of the java programming gurus | http://www.parsian.net/set1252/pages/books.htm |
230 | Unix and internet security | http://www.hk8.org/old_web/ |
231 | Unix hints and hacks/Waingrow, Kirk | http://book.onairwebnet/computer/os/unix/Administration/UNIX_Hints_&_Hacks/19270001..htm |
232 | Unix in a nutshell | http://www.hk8.org/old_web/ |
233 | Unix kornshell quick reference | http://book.onairwebnet/computer/os/shell/Unix_KornShell_Quick_Reference/kornShell.html |
234 | Unix power tools | http://www.hk8.org/old_web/ |
235 | Unix shell guide | http://book.onairwebnet/computer/os/shell/The_UNIX_Shell_Guide/ |
236 | Unix unleashed | http://www.parsian.net/set1252/pages/books.htm |
237 | Unix unleashed | http://www.emu.edu.tr/english/facilitiesservices/computercenter/bookslib/ |
238 | Unix unleashed Internet Ed./Burk, Robin | http://book.onairwebnet/computer/os/unix/Administration/UNIX_Unleashed(Internet_Edition)/fm.htm |
239 | Unix unleashed, System administrator's Edition | http://book.onairwebnet/computer/os/unix/Administration/UNIX_Unleashed_System_Administrator's_Edition/toc.htm |
240 | Unix Unleashed/Sams Publication | http://book.onairwebnet/computer/os/unix/Administration/UNIX_Unleashed/ |
241 | Upgrading PCs illustrated | http://www.emu.edu.tr/english/facilitiesservices/computercenter/bookslib/ |
242 | Using windows NT workstation 4.0 | http://www.parsian.net/set1252/pages/books.htm |
243 | __VBScript unleashed | http://www.parsian.net/set1252/pages/books.htm |
244 | __Vbscript unleashed | http://www.emu.edu.tr/english/facilitiesservices/computercenter/bookslib/ |
245 | Visual basic 4 in 12 easy lessons | http://www.parsian.net/set1252/pages/books.htm |
246 | Visual basic 4 unleashed | http://www.parsian.net/set1252/pages/books.htm |
247 | Visual Basic 5 night school | http://www.emu.edu.tr/english/facilitiesservices/computercenter/bookslib/ |
248 | Visual basic programming in 12 easy lessons | http://www.parsian.net/set1252/pages/books.htm |
249 | Visual Basic programming in 12 easy lessons | http://www.emu.edu.tr/english/facilitiesservices/computercenter/bookslib/ |
250 | Visual C++ 4 unleashed | http://www.parsian.net/set1252/pages/books.htm |
251 | Visual C++ programming in 12 easy lessons | http://www.parsian.net/set1252/pages/books.htm |
252 | Web database developer's guide with visual basic 5 | http://www.parsian.net/set1252/pages/books.htm |
253 | Web database developer's guide with visual basic 5 | http://www.emu.edu.tr/english/facilitiesservices/computercenter/bookslib/ |
254 | Web programming desktop reference 6-in-1 | http://www.parsian.net/set1252/pages/books.htm |